On this page, you can find Tower templates for different technologies
HashiCorp Consul®
If you want Tower to serve the configuration in a manner similar to HashiCorp's Consul, simply create a new endpoint with the following template:
[ {%- for var in variables -%} { "LockIndex": 0,{% comment %}Please customize the following line with the Base names that are relevant to your configuration.{% endcomment -%} "Key": "{{Technology}}/{{Environment}}/{{Application}}/{{var.name}}", "Flags": 0, {% case var.type -%} {% when"string", "password" -%} "Value":"{{ var.value | tower_toBase64 }}", {% when"number", "boolean" -%} "Value":"{{ var.value | tower_toBase64 }}", {% when"list" -%} {% assign insideList = var.value | join:"\",\"" -%} {% assign l = "[\"" | concat: insideList | concat: "\"]" -%} "Value": "{{l | tower_toBase64}}", {% else -%} "Value":"{{ var.value | tower_toBase64 }}", {% endcase -%} {% assign random = "" | tower_random -%} "CreateIndex": "{{random}}", "ModifyIndex": "{{random}}" }{%- if forloop.last !=true -%},{%- endif -%} {%- endfor %}]
Spring Cloud Config Server
If you want Tower to serve the configuration in a manner similar to Spring Cloud Config Server, simply create a new endpoint with the following template:
{{% comment %}Please customize the following line with the Base names that are relevant to your configuration.{% endcomment -%} "name": "{{Application}}", "profiles": [{% comment %}Please customize the following line with the Base names that are relevant to your configuration.{% endcomment -%} "{{Environment}}" ], "label": "main", "version": "{{version}}", "state": null, "propertySources": [ {{% comment %}Please customize the following line with the Base names that are relevant to your configuration.{% endcomment -%} "name": "http://tower/{{Technology}}/{{Application}}/{{Environment}}", "source": { {%- for var in variables -%} {% case var.type -%} {% when"string", "password" -%} "{{ var.name }}":"{{ var.value }}"{%- if forloop.last !=true -%},{%- endif -%} {% when"number", "boolean" -%} "{{ var.name }}":{{ var.value }}{%- if forloop.last !=true -%},{%- endif -%} {% when"list" -%} "{{ var.name }}":[{% for listVar in var.value -%}"{{ listVar }}"{%- if forloop.last !=true -%},{% else %}]{%- endif -%}{%- endfor -%}{%- if forloop.last !=true -%},{%- endif -%} {% else %} "{{ var.name }}":"{{ var.value }}"{%- if forloop.last !=true -%},{%- endif -%} {% endcase -%} {%- endfor -%} } } ]}